Book Chapters

    Applied Natural Language Processing
  1. Jeuniaux, P., Olney, A., & D'Mello, S. (2012). Practical programming for applied natural language processing. In P. M. McCarthy & C. Boonthum (Eds.). Applied Natural Language Processing and content analysis: Identification, Investigation, and Resolution. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

  2. Discourse of course
  3. Louwerse, M. M., & Jeuniaux, P. (2009). Computational psycholinguistic techniques to measure cohesion in discourse. In J. Renkema (Ed.), Discourse of course. Amsterdam: Benjamins.

  4. Symbols, embodiment, and meaning
  5. Louwerse, M. M., & Jeuniaux, P. (2008). Language comprehension is both embodied and symbolic. In M. de Vega, A. Glenberg, & A.C. Graesser (Eds.), Symbols, embodiment, and meaning: A debate (pp. 309-326). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

— 16 September 2023